This turned into a bad day, right about the time I turned into Mr. Hyde. At work, I have a personal mission statement, or guiding principle, or core value...whatever, and it goes something like this:
- Work is inherantly difficult, otherwise people would do it for free.
- Because it's hard, try not to make it harder for yourself or others.
- Since we are all getting paid to work, do it well. Else, Mr. Hyde will show up.
Mr. Hyde likes to use the "F" word. He likes to remind people that they work for him and that he can change that, any time he chooses. Mr. Hyde hates people and thinks that he can do anything better than anybody else. Mr. Hyde is a jerk.
I'm not like Mr. Hyde. I like to motivate and empower people by word and deed. I believe the proverb that says, "Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. But when I stumbled onto the scene today and found agricultural WMD's were being used indiscriminately against both nematodes and the United Nations delegation that had been asssigned to the task ... I lost it.
As it turns out, they really only screwed up one golf hole. It's amazing how much smoother things went after Mr. Hyde showed up. I heard that there was a lot of yelling (in several languages) , and gesturing with the middle finger (the universal language) after I left. That's the kind of impact jerks like Mr. Hyde can have on a workplace. But what the heck, it's hard to argue with the results. So, tomorrow's another day, and there are 85 more acres of nematodes to destroy. I don't think we'll need Mr. Hyde tomorrow. He can stay home and brush up on his Machiavelli or ... something.